Fitness Zone at Our Luxury Business Hotel in Chennai

The unique Aqua and Dry Fitness Zone at Hablife are meant for individuals looking for personalized care offered at a healthy space to achieve their goals.

person working out in the gym

Aqua Fitness Zone at our Chennai Hotel

The healing benefits of water can be felt in our hydrotherapy which includes sauna, steam and chilled shower to flush the toxins from your body. The depth of water is at a uniform 4.5 feet, featuring specialised therapeutic aqua machines such as rower, strider, bikes, treadmill, stepper imported from the UK that have proven themselves with excellent results for its users worldwide. Hablis being the first in Asia to use this equipment.

The natural buoyancy of water also helps to maintain or increase a range of joint movements, by decreasing the amount of pressure or weight bearing on the joints and also compensate for water loss due to perspiration arising out of exertions. During your blissful corporate retreat at our hotel near Chennai airport, sweat out all your excuses away at our fitness zone.

Unlike land exercising, exercising inside the water burns almost twice the calories, as it gets the muscles to work harder, burning the fat faster. The resistance force of the water helps in increasing muscle strength and tone and improves cardiovascular health. 

Benefits of exercising in water:

  • Increase muscular flexibility and joint mobility
  • Zero impact workout i.e. no strains on joints
  • A resistance of water ensures the exerciser's capability
  • Increase bone density
  • Work muscles that rarely used on land or already lost tone
  • Hydrostatic pressure increases circulation
  • Deep health promoting sleep and less muscular pains on the following morning

outdoor gym in chennai at hablis

Indoor Fitness Zone at Hablis Hotel Chennai

Physical fitness is as essential as a mental strength for the overall well-being of the human body. But to many, it may not be the simplest task, especially while travelling. 

Work up a sweet, stretch it out and cool down at the state-of-the-art fitness centre/gym at our Guindy hotel. Well-equipped with thoughtful machines and up-to-the-minute equipment, our fitness centre is the go-to destination if you want to get a quick workout in. 

Sticking to your workout regime never seemed this simple.

Benefits of exercising in a gym:

  • Save yourself the trouble of dealing with injuries.
  • Ability to curate your workouts based on your preferences. 
  • Option to target a particular muscle group or opt for a full-body workout.
  • Bad weather will not have a negative effect on your training. 
  • Can optimise your physiological and psychological training effects.